Thanks to honorary Hillbilly Martin M for pointing out that my Search button didn't actually work. Let that be a reminder to all you Atlas-ers that your UI shouldn't just look good, it also has to work.

The migration to the new laptop continues. I shouldn't be too surprised at the level to which I bastardized my old laptop (I *am* the Coding Hillbilly, after all) but every day brings a new "oh yeah" moment.

Today's changes to the laptop:

  • Imported IE favorites from
  • Installed Scott Guthrie's Web Application Project for VS2005
  • aspnet_regiis'd my default web site (for some reason, I didn't have an ASPNET account)
  • Default settings in Word and Outlook (I do like me some Century Gothic; it's the way the a's harken back to my childhood printing classes)
  • Downloaded the Consolas font